Аянга нь байгалийн аюултай, сүйтгэгч хүчин байж болно. Барилга, өндөр мод болон бусад байгууламжийг хамгаалахын тулд аянга цахилгаанаас хамгаалах системийг ашиглах нь маш чухал юм. Аянга хамгаалах системийн гол бүрэлдэхүүн хэсэг нь аянгын саваа. Энэхүү төхөөрөмж нь аянгын цохилтыг таслан зогсоож, цэнэгийг газарт аюулгүй хүргэх зориулалттай. Энэ блог дээр бид судлах болно аянгын савааs, тэдгээрийн зорилго, хэрхэн ажилладаг.
Аянга буу come in many different shapes and sizes, including hollow, solid, pointed, round, flat, and even furry. However, the most important feature of the аянгын саваа is that it is made of conductive materials such as copper and aluminum. Copper and its alloys are the most commonly used lightning protection materials.
TRSB series аянгын савааs are used to protect buildings, tall trees and other objects from lightning strikes. When installing a аянгын саваа, it is very important to ensure that it is grounded and complies with IEC/GB standards. Each type of аянгын саваа has different high standard specifications.
The function of the аянгын саваа is to prevent the аянгын саваа of the exciter and the reflector in advance, and at the same time to ensure the insulation of the collector. The tips of the actuators and reflectors have special structures that allow the actuators to absorb and store energy from the electric field. The reflector is well connected to ground and has the same potential. Exciters and reflectors have a certain electromagnetic field strength.
Before a lightning strike occurs, the аянгын саваа will accumulate heterogeneous charges due to electrostatic induction. As a result, the electric field strength suddenly increases the excitation voltage between the reflectors, and the tip sparks break down the surrounding air. This ionized air makes the аянгын саваа a central collection of аянгын савааs in a very short time and releases the energizer. Due to its special structure, the аянгын саваа produces a faster upward discharge channel than ordinary аянгын савааs.
When installing аянгын савааs, it is important to follow some precautions. The аянгын саваа should be installed at the highest point of the building to ensure that it intercepts lightning strikes. It should also be installed by a qualified professional trained in lightning protection systems. Misusing аянгын савааs can be dangerous and ineffective, so guidelines should be followed.
In conclusion, lightning protection systems are essential to safely intercept lightning strikes and prevent damage or injury. Аянга буу are a key component of these systems, designed to intercept lightning strikes and conduct the charge safely to ground. They come in many different shapes and sizes, but all serve the same purpose - to protect structures from dangerous forces of nature. By following proper installation methods and precautions, аянгын савааs can provide the peace of mind you need during severe weather.
Нийтлэлийн цаг: May-05-2023